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CHF 119.00 incl. VAT

DHT (Dihydrotestosteron) blockiert die Wachstumsphase der Haare und führt zu dünnem, kraftlosem Haar oder Haarausfall. Das in timeblock® BEAUTY FULL HAIR – ANTI HAIRLOSS SERUM hoch dosiert enthaltene, pflanzliche Jungbrunnenmolekül Isoflavondiol EQUOL wirkt anlagebedingtem Haarausfall effektiv entgegen und stärkt das Haar bereits an der Haarwurzel. Lecithin – ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Wände der Körper- und Haarzellen – versorgt das Haar mit Feuchtigkeit, baut den natürlichen Schutzmantel wieder auf und sorgt für glänzendes und geschmeidiges Haar. Antioxidative Öle (Rosmarin, Orange, Geranie) unterstützen das Haarwachstum, indem die Zirkulation in den Haarfollikeln stimuliert, die Talgproduktion harmonisiert und das Wohlbefinden der Kopfhaut gefördert wird.

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Evenly spread timeblock® BEAUTY FULL HAIR – ANTI HAIRLOSS SERUM among the clean, towel-dried strands of hair DIRECTLY at the roots (on the scalp) using the dosing tip.  Partial use is possible as well. Massage it in lightly – it will be absorbed without leaving residues and does not cause a sticky hair sensation. This is why you can comb and style your hair as usual. Depending on your needs, you can apply the product on a daily to weekly basis. If you suffer from severe congenital hair loss, we recommend daily use in the beginning, which can be reduced to weekly application after two weeks. To support the effect of the product, also use timeblock® ANTI HAIRLOSS SHAMPOO and timeblock® ANTI HAIRLOSS CONDITIONER.


DHT (dihydrotestosterone) blocks the growth phase of the hair, resulting in thin, limp hair or hair loss. The fountain-of-youth molecule isoflavondiol EQUOL contained in timeblock® BEAUTY FULL HAIR – ANTI HAIRLOSS SERUM in a high dose effectively counteracts congenital hair loss and strengthens the hair from the root up. Lecithin – an essential component of the walls of body and hair cells – provides the hair with moisture, restores its natural protective layer, and makes the hair shiny and supple. Antioxidative oils (rosemary, orange, geranium) support hair growth by stimulating circulation in the hair follicles, harmonizing sebum production and promoting the well-being of the scalp.

  • ÂMEFlore oil

All our products are made of vegan, plant-based ingredients. Most of them originate from organic farming. All grow in unique regions of the world (blue zones), far away from the large industrial areas and the excessive use of pesticides.